Hellow, I'm back ! Soo many things I have to do this month until October, I'm so tired to the max, fiuhhhh !! Hope everything going smoothly until the Big-day. And then, I was a little stressed with my weight, OMG I gained 5 kg, can't saya anything how desperated I am .... Help me pleaseeee T____T
Ok, forget about my troubled before, I wore stripe black dress from @mischellecolection. Love the fabric structure, the fitted is really good on me and love this grunge look. you guys should check their collection, grab them fast!! Really recomended !
Dress - @mischellecollection
Sunnies - Thrifted
Round Hat - PullnBear
Clutch - @octopus_project
Boots - Sammydress.com
Photo by Albert Winata
ig : @albert_winata