Happy New Year 2013 !!!!
How's u celebrate your new year eve?? It must be pretty amazing, right?
Hope you guys will get the best this year !!
Top - China
Blazer - Forever 21
Stripe Short - Women Airlines
Necklace - (x)sml
Bracelet - Vietnam
Vintage Bag - Unbranded
Ankle Boots - New Look
Thank you so much Putri had nominated me for the Liebster Award
The Rules:
1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers of course) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag back!
11 randoms fact about me
- I'm a doggy lover, for me all doggies are so cute
- I'm a shopaholic
- Zuhair Murad is my favorite Designer
- I'm a Shoes Addict
- I'm a Fashion Designer
- Always crying if i watched sad movie
- I love EAT
- Love adventure
- Always love all Vintage and Classic's stuff
- Love all about flowery
- Love all movie about ghost, sayko and sad (<-- i'm a lil' bit weird right?)
11 questions for nominees
- What is your favorite movie ?
- Who is your favorite Local Designer ?
- Who is your favorite International Designer ?
- What is your favorite music ?
- Where is your favorite spot at your home ?
- Do you have an animal at your home ?
- Sneakers or Heels ?
- Are you love beach and sunset ?
- Are you a shopaholic ?
- Mall or Cafe ?
- Describe yourself in 3 words !
My Answer
1. What is your favorite reality show?
America's Next Top Model
2. What is your strength?
My Confident !
3. What is your weakness?
If i seeing someone crying, i'll trying anything for them.
4. Have you ever crying in front of people?
Yes , Of f course !
5. What is your Favorite movie?
All about sayko, ghost and sad movie and Korean movie
6. Who is your favorite designer?
Zuhair Murad
7. Are you believe in Alien?
A lil' bit
8. What age you want to get married?
I think 27 - 28
9. Have you ever meet a ghost?
Hmmm.. i think so
10.Why you wanna be a blogger?
To share my style and know each other, and off course learning more about style
11. Are you shopping a lot?
Off Course :(
My nominees :